Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Okay, so it is a day early, but I will probably not be around much tomorrow, as I will be overindulging in turkey, dressing, macaroni and cheese, rice and gravy, butterbeans, squash, pineapple casserole, and many other things that I am forgetting.  Thanksgiving is truly my favorite holiday, mainly because of the food, but also because it is one day where we are forced to stop and think about all of the good in our lives.  It is my solemn vow that tomorrow I will (wholeheartedly try to) not be negative in any way, shape, or form.  Not even when my mother in law tries to touch my belly.  Everyone say it with me, "It is not baby, it is bloat."

I will be 10 weeks on Friday!  Now that is something to be thankful for.  I still haven't posted the u/s pic because our scanner at work is not exactly a high quality machine and the scans distort the pictures.  Maybe I can work on that over my break while I'm at my Mama and Daddy's house.

Only a two and a half weeks left in the semester!  Keep me in your prayers, as I need every one that I can get right now.  I'm drowning in school work.  Speaking of which, I should probably get back to it.  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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